Thursday, February 18, 2016

On Semi-Permanent Leave of Absence

I've been getting a lot of mounts

Natalie wishes to apologize to the readers of this blog - I do plan on getting to Zafaria, but I have one more quest to complete... I have to go back into Nastrond because, like an idiot on crack, I forgot to get the Runestone just before the final boss so I can't complete the runestone quest for Wintertusk until I get through that dungeon AGAIN, and those who played through Nastrond know how long that piece of icy soft-serve is. X(

Unfortunately, I haven't found any group needing some help through the dungeon, so if worse comes to worst, I'll just have Christina join up and help get through the first five battles so that Nat can read the runestone in the battle with the four brainwashed warriors. *sigh*

There's also the quest to get the Level 55 spell but I won't do that until I buy more Crowns as I am paranoid about the boss I have to fight solo. I have been farming Lord Nightshade as I want to farm gear for my future Rookie PVP character.

EDIT: I got some pets to Ancient due to the current double Pet EXP event for members(another reason why you should be a member) and after hatching the baby of my Proper Penguin to Christina's Enchanted Armament, I got...

THIS. Yep, basically the holy grail of healing pet talents! This is definitely going to be hanky-pankying with all the pets on this account so I can get some these talents on my future pets. :>D

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