Saturday, April 30, 2016

Finally got to Azteca!

So Nat's journey to Polaris is reaching the home stretch - she's reached the end of Avalon, and the kid gloves have come off. Young Morganthe was causing a lot of struggle for her and Christina - I had to spend some money on a Life Henchfroudling to keep them alive - luckily he didn't do anything to trigger the chaotic Young Morganthe and her unpredictable cheats.


After that it was a matter of being crowned a Knight and wielding The Sword of Kings. Nat was well and ready to take on Azteca.

And finally she got the Sunstones for Deer Knight. She had been piggybacking off of Christina for Sunstones in this place but now she could enter and leave at will. But she also got to Level 84 so I used that energy to fish up some nice new wands at the Elephant Graveyard. ^_^

Hoping for Spirit Caller Drums but no luck.

Malistaire is put to bed

First things first...

Thanks for nuthin, Cy.
 I finally got someone through the rest of Darkmoor - Christina managed to squeak by Malistaire the Undying even though she had to flee five times and used all of her potions - mainly because something bad happened to the Theurgist with the group and he couldn't rejoin us. But all in all, I was happy as Christina, my support Sorcerer, finally got the Tier 1 Darkmoor hat(which she stitched immediately as it covered her face); I crafted the Khrysalis robe and used the recent Pet EXP benefit to get her pet up a bit so it would give more universal resist.

As for my current wizard, Natalie, she's finally reached the Crystal Caves, which means she's entering the endgame in Avalon. Thank goodness!

She also got two of these pets after farming for the Silver Ladle to advance the story. I thought these were rare. Anyways, she's reached the second skeleton key boss - she has two Stone Keys but I don't think I really want to use them on this boss even though I plan on having Natalie work a Fire Dragon setup when she reaches the Arcanum once we get Deer Knight crafted.

My thoughts on Wizard101 PvP

Having gone through Wizard101 PvP once, I have realized that the system needs to be reformed for the Fourth Age, or else nobody will want to play PvP except the scrubs and n00bs. Therefore, I suggest to KI the same sort of system Yu-Gi-Oh does with its game - include a forbidden list that prevents anyone from using certain spells. Also, add in the same system Pokemon uses with its tournaments - a tier list so only Wizards or a certain level can participate.

I know that sounds like oppression, but we can see how anarchial PvP becomes without these regulations set in stone. I have to be the devil's advocate on this - I got DESTROYED in my first tournament and only got in one hit in the four battles I took part in - all the other opponents were probably Prodigious wizards, I had no chance at all of winning. These rules would make PvP more enjoyable - the n00bs would have their own place to terrorize people and the casual PvPers would enjoy their own tier, segregated from the scrubs. [/rant]

Anyways, here is how I'd do this. This is my opinion and shouldn't be taken as fact. I know that in order to implement this PvP system would require a major update that would probably require shutting down the game for a week after months of planning. I'm not saying KI is lazy, but they have a lot on their plate. :(

Warning: Failure to comply to the rules will result in three warnings:
(1st warning) You are DQ'd and eliminated from the tournament as if you had dropped out.
(2nd warning) Not only are you DQ'd, you have to pay double the amount of Crowns for the next tournament and cannot do Ranked PvP for one month.
(Final warning) You are unable to participate in Tournaments or Ranked PvP until the next Age.

The next failure to comply will result in Diego insulting you and giving you PvP lock - you will no longer be allowed to participate in PvP and will be unable to enter the PvP arena in Unicorn Way with that wizard again. You may still use the Practice Ring in Avalon or in a house because those are Traditional PvP arenas - the old rules apply in those arenas and those arenas alone.

Also, you will be Marked - in other words, you will be put on investigation by a KI employee similar to a criminal on probation. If you show any aggressive behavior or language or do something cowardly like flee from a combat with allies in it, your account can and will be eliminated result in a permanent ban - you will never be able to play Wizard101 on that computer and all of your accounts will be liquidized. (Pretty tyrannical but if you act like a jerk in PvP, chances are you'll be a jerk in the game's quests and make life miserable for everyone who is trying to just go through the story.)

General Forbidden List:
The following spells are FORBIDDEN. They cannot be used in your main deck or side deck and your pet is not allow have a May Cast of them.
  • Bad Juju
The following spells are LIMITED. You may only have a maximum of one copy of these spells in your Main Deck or Side Deck. Pets are allowed to May Cast them determined by Tier.
  • Doom and Gloom
  • Infection
  • Mass Infection
  • Conviction
  • Stun Block
The following spells are SEMI-LIMITED: You may only have a maximum of two copies of these spells in your Main Deck or Side Deck. Pets are allowed to May Cast them determined by Tier.
  • Any healing spells(this is mutually inclusive, so that means you can only have two healing spells in your deck and side deck no matter what - no doubling up on Helping Hands, Healing Current and Pixie!)
  • Any stun spells(this is inclusive so you can't have two Chokes and two Stuns - this doesn't count spells that have a stun side effect; the reason I didn't restrict this is because the game will put a ton of stun shields on someone so even if you get Medus'd, unless they spam stuns, you will be okay and good to go).
  • Empower
  • Dark Pact
  • Any spells which cost "X" pips to cast(Judgement, Tempest, etc)
For the tiers, the following rules must apply: Pets can only have May Cast talents as stated below - any pets that show May Cast ability outside of the tier will result in a DQ and a first warning. Also, side decks are restricted similarly. Also, all spells on the forbidden list must be obeyed.

Rank 1 PvP: Junior (Level 10-25 only)
  • Only Wizards from Level 10 to Level 25 can participate.
  • Pet healing is restricted to Spritely
  • Pet May Cast is restricted to Weakness, Blades, Tower Shield and low-rank star spells like Fortify and Amplify.
  • You can only have one Treasure Card of a spell above your current rank in your Side Deck
  • Lore Spells are restricted to one per main deck and side deck (only one Deer Knight, etc.)
Rank 2 PvP: Intermediate (Level 26-50 only)
  • Only Wizards from Level 26 to 50 can participate
  • Pet healing is restricted to Spritely and Energizing Battery, and Unicorn (for 2v2 to 4v4)
  • Pet May Cast in restricted to the above spells plus Steal Ward, Steal Charm, Conviction and Mend
  • You can only have two Treasure Cards of a spell above your current in your Side Deck
  • Lore Spells are restricted to two per main deck and side deck (Deer Knight, etc.)
 Rank 3 PvP: Senior (Level 51-75 only)
  • Only Wizards from Level 51 to 75 can participate
  • Pet healing is unrestricted
  • Pet May Cast in restricted to the above spells plus Pierce, Disarm, any area bubbles and Berserk
  • You can only have two Treasure Cards of a spell above your current in your Side Deck
  • Lore Spells are unrestricted
Rank 4 PvP: Exalted (Level 76-95 only)
  • Only Wizards from Level 76 to 95 can participate
  • Pet healing is unrestricted
  • Pet May Cast is unrestricted
  • Side deck is unrestricted
  • Lore Spells are unrestricted
Rank 5 PvP: Prodigious (Level 96+)
  • Only Wizards or Level 96 or higher can participate
  • Pet May Cast is unrestricted
  • Side Deck is unrestricted
I think that if we had these systems, PvP would be more enjoyable and people wouldn't be whining about how bad Balance Wizards are - Sorcerer PvP would be nerfed so they couldn't spam Judgement all of the time, they'd be forced to use Spectral Blast, Gaze of Fate or Sabertooth to do damage, allowing the opponent to have a fighting chance.

Those are my two cents, please comment about it and tell me what you think. ;)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

PvP is not for me!

I decided to throw my gauntlet down after the Member Benefits gave the free PvP tournament benefit, just to see how it would work...

Needless to say, it was a train wreck. I got three Balances, one Fire and I got owned by max-level Judgements with 50% pierce in the first round and the Fire shielded up and used Helephant to bring Nat down to 50% health and then took the win with Immolate. *sigh*

Not to say that it was a bad experience - it helped me know what I was up against when I decide to do Rank PvP, and I also got enough tickets for that jacket Nat's been eyeing ever since she was created. And it gives a little bit of fishing luck too so I decided to get a second for fishing quests. (Yes, I got 250 tickets; even though I lost the tournament, I was given a nice booby prize include a soda pop mega snack and some steel.)

Speaking of fishing, I finally got the Dragonspyre fishing quests done and earned the Banish Sentinels spell which made fishing for wands in the Elephant Graveyard - yep, they finally expanded the fish pools to Celestial and Zafaria and you can get rare wands in the Elephant Graveyard - easier.

Nat also finally reached Avalon at long last and has gotten up to the end of the Wild, where the Jabberwock awaits. That's all for now! ;)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Returning from a long break!

Did you ever have one of THOSE days? :(
Thanks to my trading in Criminal Girls: Invite Only, and it going for $11, I was finally able to get back into Wizard101. I was getting a bit burned out by playing for PSN trophies, so I needed something to break the mold, and getting Natalie Owlwraith to Avalon by the end of the month seemed a worthy goal. ^_^

Also, KI's newest update to the Spiral really gave nice motivations to coming back - with the new Gravulum Order daily assignments, you get to travel the Spiral and fight mobs for minor rewards of gold, but you also get minor rewards of arena tickets and CROWNS. Sure, it's not as lucrative as earning them with hard work but not everyone is going to do the PvP scene(thought Nat might try it) and there is not much work for much Crowns elsewhere(except watching commercials on the game and on-line trivia), so 45 Crowns every half-month is a moot point.

Also, new key bosses, and I'm glad to see that they made a key boss for low-level wizards to conquer. Unfortunately, the fact that's it's the avatar of Christina's Ra spell isn't very flattering, but he did give Nat a nice looking transmog staff. ^_^ (You can even get rare permanent mounts!)

As such, I'm running through Zamunda now, so Nat is back! And she'll fish up some Zafarian fish once she farms enough couch potatoes.