Wednesday, January 13, 2021

What can KingsIsle do to compete against FFXIV?

 Last blog I said I was going to put up a new post detailing my ideas for improving Pirate101 so it doesn't get shut down, and here are my thoughts:

First off, for both Wizard101 and Pirate101, drop the lootbox packs. I know that sounds ridiculous, but the cash shop has so many more items that players can buy that the boosters don't really work. FFXIV's Mog Station cash shop has many items for various prices that are optional, but I buy them anyways as they are really cool glam, neat mounts or stuff I can... ahem...

I don't use the Pirate101 packs as much as the packs don't give random skills like Wizard101's packs do. I'm glad that they made the Grizzleheim spells craftable.

Wizard101 changes:


Either add a link skill system like MapleStory(where your alts can give one of your characters buffs depending on their school, like Life School alt giving your main 10% extra HP on level up) or do like FFXIV and allow a playet to switch schools and level them all up, learning all seven schools of magic on one character so alts are no longer necessary. You cannot count on one hand how many trash characters I had to delete due to wanting to play every school. I am not buying a potion to add a seventh character slot, thank you very much. I am not made of money.

Having one character be all schools will allow you to stick to one cahracter. I've made alts on FFXIV, only to abandon them because they are no longer needed. FFXIV has New Game+ to re-experience the quests if you really want to do so, so there is no need to start a new character for story reasons. Sure it's a lot of work grinding all of the characters up, but it's worth it.

 It wouldn't take much programming either. Just have a side-quest at Level 50(since you are go to Level 140, having it at Level 10 would be stupid as people would just switch constantly or burn themselves out, let them experience the first arc as one school first) and, upon completion, the NPC says that he'll pull some strings with the headmaster. Of course, that would retcon a lot of canon(like Falmea's story in the first B.O.X. event) but it would make the content more managable.

Of course, I know that will be impossible due to how leveling works in Wizard101 - you earn your majority of EXP from doing quests, which is why...


You should add an eighth school based on mob-grinding. FFXIV has a limited job called Blue Mage which gains spells by fighting mobs and bosses and learning their abilities. A Monstrology school which allows you to gain spells by kill a certain number of enemies would make the game more interesting to play.

Yes, I know you can make summon TCs of Monstrology Animus, but this sub-school would allow yout o level up your extra schools easily by giving huge EXP for killing mobs. It would have to cap out after a time, but it would make the game more fun.

If that won't work, then have this limited class be in Pirate101 by giving Pirate101 Monstrology as well. The thought of summoning some of the Armada as Treasure Coins would be amazing!


For both Pirate101 and Wizard101 have something similar to crafting but involving gathering materials from nodes. Wizard101 has places where you can harvest materials, but make a type of 'magic' where you can use spells to increase the yield of harvests or the chance of rare harvests(like 50% chance of getting Sunstone from Sandstone harvest spots) and give quests where players have to go all over the Spiral to gather stuff. Heck, Wizard101 has Fishing, why not have Pirate101 have it too? Give more varied content for people who don't want to spend their time battling.


Have a quest at Level 50 where Wizard101 players and Pirate101 players can get special artifact armor that looks cool and has stats that outstrip anything you can buy at the auction house. FFXIV does this and continue on that trend by having special armor you need special currency(which is farmed from dungeons) that outstrips that! If Wizard101 had artifact armor with a decent universal resist, decent damage boost for their school, and nice stats, players would go for it.


Finally, assign the FFXIV formula to your games, KingsIsle. FFXIV has a special dungeon requirement for queueing up: One Tank, one Healer, and two DPS(Damage Per Second). In your case, you would require one class to be a tank and soak up hits, one to be a healer and two to deal damage per turn.

Wizard101 has such a heirarchy: Life and Balance are considered Healers, Death and Ice are considered Tanks, and Fire, Storm and Myth are DPS. I know it would make queue times insanely long, but by making it so that certain schools of magic or class of Pirate due certain roles in dungeons, players will focus on making those roles special and think carefully about what pirate/wizard they want to be.

Also, create a party finder for your games, a message board in game that would allow players to recruit randoms to join them in a dungeon raid.

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