So recently I got some more paid time on Wizard101 so I decided to renew Christina and Natalie's account... but this time I'm rebooting the game with two new wizards. Meet Chris Rainbowheart, my Balance Wizard on Nat's account, and Christina Fireeyes, the Fire Wizard on Christina's account! I decided to go with a Pyromancer because Blaze is running a Firehammer Pyromancer on his co-op walkthrough and I think Fire Wizards need some respect. ^_^
Nice angle! Now I see that Dalia Falmea is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. ^_^ |
Sadly, Baldur remains wide-angle. ;p |
Seriously, stop it KI. I don't mind the cinematics for epic moments like confronting Malistaire, but oh my freaking Arceus why Lord Nightshade?!?! X_X
So Chris and Fireeyes(I have to call my Fire Wizard by her last name to avoid confusion with my Exalted Sorceress) completed everything in Wizard City but Sunken City(which they'll do when we get Meteor Strike for Fireeyes) and I decided, hey, why not get through all the Gauntlets? My old retired Tightwad Conjurer(you can read her adventures through to Avalon here) was pulled out of retirement briefly to help Chris and Fireeyes through Winterbane and Spiral Cup(which she had) and Pagoda(which I found easily); then Chris got the Grand Tourney done and got a Forest Beast pet! (Which I'll probably train and breed with Nat's sister, the Theurgist.)
Unfortunately, Fireeyes cannot do that dungeon and I can't get the new Clock Gauntlet done because you see, KingsIsle is greedy as sin - they realized as soon as they created the Castle Tours and saw people abusing it for Winterbane and Pagoda of the Sun that any future Gauntlets would be abused, so they programmed all Gauntlets after the second with a lock(Winterbane Hall and Pagoda Gauntlet were created before Castle Tours so they escaped this fate) that prints an error if you try to enter the dungeon instance while in Castle Tours. So those fancy housing items are worthless to tourists except as decor. To get in, you have to leave and beg the owner of the house to be your best friend and go home so you can teleport in and use his facilities. That or have someone who is already a good friend with the owner to let you add them so you can port to them...
And the only place that has people doing the Grand Tourney and Clock Gauntlets is a new Darkmoor Manor house(from the new Witch Hunter's Bundle) which is owned by one Aaron Ghostthief... and since nobody wants to find houses elsewhere, everyone in the Spiral is hogging the place and the game will refuse to let you in or let you port in if the visitor capacity is full, so you have to wait hours until someone leaves. And guess what? When the people enter the gauntlets and then leave.
So yeah, I'll be hanging out in Castle Tours forever, waiting for half of the populace to go to sleep but not too many so I can beg someone to add me so I can get into the damn house of Aaron Ghostthief!
That, or I could continue the story and start on Krokotopia. *SIGH* :(
And I have to get to sleep tomorrow so I can start getting more trophies on Ratchet and Clank. X(
PEEPS! If anyone who plays Wizard101 reads this, go find other houses with these items! I found one with both Cuckoo Clock and Grand Tourney in a Red Barn Farm by accident and it was empty!
Oh, speaking of which, I had both new wizards buy the Farms(thanks to farming Halfang with my stronger wizards for hours) so I can start them as Gardeners. Chris is making his look like the Dwarf Woodlands(aka Snow White) from Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - I even wasted my earned money on a Gem Bundle for the mine! ^_^
(If any Wizard wants to help me get into these instances, comment below! I am NEVER buying these - at least until Christmas when I get my usual slush gift card money. No point is paying $80 for two bundles which don't have houses in them.)