Wednesday, January 20, 2016

First Arc End (Defeat of Malistaire)

When I first decided to do this blog on my Necromancer, I had thought that it would be interesting.

Unfortunately, I haven't played a lot since then and what I did was boring and grindy.


(I think I recounted this before. My bad.)

First the bad news: I tried to get through the Rattlebones Master Duel and poor Nat got slaughtered. That feint switch gimmick is too OP. A lot of potions were burned that day. Yes, even my Exalted Sorcerer got wiped out even with Jade Boots! I ate some humble pie. X(

Good news: Nat got a rare jewel wrench! Bad news: Christina got a Transport mote instead of her. But at least someone got a Transport mote. :(

The good news - Jade Oni drops One Shot Duels, so I got the Krokopatra Master Duel. I heard she's not as nasty as Rattlebones, so I might try that... LATER!


With that done, I finally finished Grizzleheim's quests and made Nat into a Nordic Warrior. Oh yes, Natalie also got her Scarecrow spell. I wanted to show it off with the Rattlebones duel, but he is such a bi***. The Fairy Queen summoned a Balance Fairy that debuffed the **** out of us.

That saide, Orthin Stormfather was not so lucky. XD

That up, I finally headed to the Labyrinth a second time - I didn't even have to do any quests to get the quest complete for the Scarecrow quest. We got a Prodigious Pyro to aid us, he he. :)

And since Dean Vlad was impressed at how much damage a super-buffed Wraith does, he bequeathed Nat his own robes, which were better than the one Orthin dumped on us! Sweet schwag! ^_^ (Actually it's worse in HP and Power Pip chance but it boosts damage which is good since I got rid of the Sky Iron Hasta.)


I replaced the Sky Iron Hasta with a Balance Axe after many many Loremaster runs. Still no Deer Knight or Lord, but Nat now has a fellow Necromancer friend called Aedan IronBane who showed off his awesome spells which Nat WILL get by 2017, so help me Bartleby! She also saw a couple of Boss attacks which, if we ever get more Crowns, I might consider opening packs for!

(Yes, that's Hades the Unseen's normal attack in jewel form. 6_+)

At this point I decided Nat should bite the bullet and work on Gardening as well since I was ignoring my other character(and will probably delete him out of boredom, I never play him), so she got a Red Barn Farm at long last, dumped some stuff on it, and planted Honey Sickles - TC Blades are great.

Then she farmed Bears and Ravens in Grizzleheim and got six more Couch Potatoes. Eight potatoes may not give a fast crop, but eight Mega Snacks an elder harvest with respawning seeds is fine.

The rest of Dragonspyre was ridiculously easy. The Obsidian Chests no longer have the one in Gobblestone's castle, the one in the Labyrinth and that one you need to do a side-quest to get - it's the one involving Oakheart in the Ancient Burial Ground, the Crazed Forest Spirit which drops the rare crabling pet. I'm impressed. ;)

I won't bore you with details, but here are a few highlights...

Nat got to Level 52 after doing some side-quests...
Which means an upgrade to her Sun Enchants! (She also got the Zodiac book quest from Celestia, which was weird.)

One of her online friends cried for help in Big Ben, so Nat had to help to stay in good graces. At least we got this. LATER!
Got this rare drop from Yeva Spiderkeeper - sadly, red isn't Nat's color. :p
You know what I hate more than Heckhounds?
Fizzles. I should invest in those Accurate Onyxs I got. :(
Hitting Level 53! ;)
Time to face Malistaire!
J/K. Time to fish and get that last sidequest in Drake Hatchery.
Now it's time! Cue the Epic Kingdom Hearts music! ^_^
Christina starts breaking out the Ras to keep up with damage. I can't wait for her to get to Polaris and get Nested Fury.
Christina: "Hey you dumb@$$, stop smelling roses and help me out here!!!" X(
Uh yeah...
I beg to differ.
I made a major flub here that would have cost me had I not remembered to put in Death Prisms - I had not switched Nat to her boss deck, so she was stuck with the weaker Scarecrow instead of Wraith. I was lucky Christina had put in Potent Traps and Feints so we could do damage. (I did one hit without Prisms and it did a cruddy 536 damage. Oops!)

Yeah, and you're going to be a vengeful lich come Azteca. Sheesh! Emo much? :p

Sadly, not Malistaire Death Robe drop. Not like it matters, as Nat will be crafting the Wintertusk gear once I get more diamonds and progress in my crafting, which starts giving universal resist. With the first arc done, enemies will become much meaner. :( (Also, I used a Second Chance Chest, boo hoo. I am going to buy a game card tomorrow and replenish my Crowns anyways. Nat's new footsies are from another Witch's Hoard pack Christina donated to her, it gave her the seal flippers... unfortuately, it's the elemental one so she doesn't get any bonuses to her damage.)

"We could all use a break from adventure."

I agree, Sir Ambrose... at least until tomorrow. I need to sleep. G'night all! ;)

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