Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Journal #4: Some days you wish you were dead...

So here's the next journal entry - I won't be using captions anymore as they are too small and I don't want to strain your eyes. Anyways, Nat got her Apprentice Crafter badge since I harvested a lot of Deep Mushrooms in Grizzleheim. :)

She also got to Level 26 near the end of the Krokosphinx and got Feint, but here is her using Pirate. We never use it again. :p

Got a second holiday fish from the house waters. :)

And met a couple of graduate students. Nat is going to graduate, I promise!

Oh Lucky, please be patient, we haven't even reached Marleybone yet, much less Dragonspyre! I haven't even taken time to do the Grizzleheim fishing challenge yet!


Natalie and Christina got through the Grand Arena and the Vault of Ice. No pictures of that as it was rather short and boring. Still, tons of chances for the Death Frog to show his colors. :D

And Christina stole Nat's thunder by one-shotting Krokotep even through a Tower Shield. (I equipped her with the Hades staff to give her more crit and pierce.)

Yeah, Nat got carried away when the Order of the Fang made her a member. XD

Then it was on to Kembaalung, of course. I could have done Wysteria but that involves a bunch of fights Nat has to solo and I don't want her to get overwhelmed. I'll do Wysteria after Krokopatra is resting in pieces. :)

Nat: "Come on, Lord of the Rings quotes are ridiculous. What next, a Gandalf quote?!"

Spirit Monk: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!"

Nat: X(

Screw the Ice Monks and their Legend Shields. X(

And in this screenie showing Christina getting her first skeleton key, I discovered to my dismay that I had not filled up her potion - she must have not been tapped off in mana when I played Potion Motion. I wasted another potion and had to pay 6000 to refill her bottles. :(

Here's Nat hitting Level 26. She rushed back to Dworgyn to get the much needed Feint spell.

This is a beautiful place. Too bad it's the prison of a demonic spirit. :p

In my stupidity, I used Christina's skeleton key on the Temple of Discord instead of using it right after she got it on the Pagoda door. This led to the most difficult fight Nat had been in - the big monks spammed Sandstorm and the Body Monk actually used a ten pip Tempest which nearly killed Nat.

Goodbye, 400 Crowns. At least we get to see the Level 110 Henchmen.

And wow, I guess they use the Darkmoor spells! On one hand, I'm glad the Body Monk was destroyed, he was a big threat. On the other hand... why didn't they use Hungry Caterpillar on the Temple Phantom and one-shot the thing! Oh right, he had used Spirit Shield. :(

Drops were sub-par. If this blade had given us a pip, I would have used it.

Tonkatsu was really a jerk...


So Christina had to save the day again, busting out the big guns.


And Nat used the Second-Chance chest twice - getting a Ninja Piggle on the first use and her own skeleton key on the second! I am saving that for Barkingham and USING IT ON THE CHEST ROOM. The secret boss in Barkingham palace is no joke. Ugh, wasted health on a Sacrifice I didn't need to use, so that's why Nat's so low. And I used a potion.

Still, all went well and she's now at the Tomb of Storms. She's almost to Level 27! Next time, I'll show off her adventures to completing the last part of Krokotopia! Ciao for now! ^_^

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