Thursday, December 10, 2015

Journal #5: Three Little Piggles

A short update showing some highlights of Natalie's journey. Basically, she finished Krokotopia and bushed through Wysteria. I love Wysteria, I do, but the pictures had to be moved to clean out the screenshot folder for the next slew of pictures as I began the next part of Natalie's journey.

Nat and Christina bulldozed through every quest, main and side, in the Tomb of Storms, grabbing the two ciphers from the Princes in the Tombs. I like how KI added portals to the Well of Spirits, saves a lot of mount-work in my opinion. ^_^

I don't think a parchment shortage is going to be an issue any time soon with Nat. She also got a lot of Stone Block as well, so the next crafting quest will be much easier.

Oh yeah, while clearing out the Karanahn Barracks, Nat hit Level 28.

"I'm awesome!"
 And just to prove how bad@$$ Nat could be, she didn't drug the food. ;)

 Of course, having an Exalted wizard fight with you DOES help. ;)

 Nat's first pet jewel, I'm almost tempted to raise that brainy assistant to Ancient! (She got a Mana Giver jewel from a later fight.)

Oh Christina... why? :(

And that's the end of Krok-T. Sadly, no Krokotopia special duel arena drop. ;_;

 Short stop to begin Marley to get Wolf to shut up about it and get our last potion for seven worlds.

Nat: "Sorry, Headmaster, but you put me in a tournament so I have to be a jerkwad to the Bears. I'll make it up to them next update."

And so begins Natalie's month abroad, a term I use loosely.

 This is basically the strat for 90% of the boss battles - almost double damage! :)

 Uh yeah, we bully a lot of goblins in this world. Christina is too OP for this place. XD

 Hello new deck! Old deck, meet the maw of my penguin! ^:D

I was confused as to why Master of the Oasis wasn't popping... until I remember I had skipped the newspaper quest. I even enter the Tomb of the Beguilar! Oops! But we fixed that.

 Nat caught a lot of holiday fish in Grizzleheim...

 A LOT. She wasted two energy globes trying to get a dang Todd Pole! :(

Needless to say, the rest of the tournament for the Spiral Cup went okay... despite getting raped by a Firebird. OUCH! X(

And since she's modeled after a detective, Nat does some sleuthing, mainly because someone framed her for theft.

Randolf tried... no, I take that back. He's a freaking cheater, so he deserves to be trolled with that amulet I bought that gives two boosted Black Mantles. ;) That gave Nat enough time to boost up a mega Vampire and one-shot the piggy.


Nat: "Yeah, *****, you clean up that attitude and bow before the TRUE Detective Princess!" :p

And with that Nat is now at Level 32. Expect this look to be her look for a looooong time, at least until Wintertusk when she can craft better gear. (Buy the Polarian Explorer Bundle, the armor alone is more powerful than anything you'll get at that level or 30 levels in!) I might give her a Red Barn Farm and start working on her gardening skill - depending on how many Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas she gets and if I can get energy gear as fishing and gardening takes a lot of energy.

As you might surmise, Mount Olympus will be up in the next update. Ciao for now! ^_^

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