Thursday, December 3, 2015

Journey #1: The Game Is Afoot!

Since Natalie is based around a female detective teenager, I apologize for any weird titles relating to detective stories. I will update every time I reach a milestone like entering a new world or completing a section of a world which is a major story plot point.

I gave Natalie a Polarian Explorer's bundle and a Talented Piggle - she'll use the Piggle for bosses and the Polar Penguin for mobs - having a free Tower Shield card on the bat which stacks with regular Tower Shields is always a great thing, but the Piggle has Dragonblade which will stack with any Balanceblades the Sorcerer on my old account uses - Christina Dawnblade will support her once she reaches Krokotopia. I won't try to worry about pet training until I get to Grizzleheim and start getting Couch Potatoes to give to my Sorcerer on Natalie's account for planting.

So here are the highlights of my Necromancer, who is now 2/3 of the way to Level 14.

Nat's mount has a nasty habit of impaling people on its horn. XD
I missed this game and starting over with a Level 1 Wizard fighting Lost Souls. ^_^

Why do people hate the sidequests? With funny ones like this, I'd do them all! I'm a Completionist!

And you need the Smiths to get a training point. I plan on having Nat do PvP eventually so I can get 125 tickets to buy an outfit that would best SUIT her. (hint hint)
Love the new zooms that KI put in. Makes the MMO more involving.

And will be at risk for the entire game. Merle, you are Captain Obvious. :p
Found this Marleybone explorer who got impaled - the hospital bills are insane. I would get rid of the mount but it gives a 2% damage boost! Yep, mounts are going to start giving boosts when you enter battle riding them.

So I'll accept the lawsuits. Too bad there is no option to cut off the horn.

This constantly happens with the first two bosses - they kept fizzling their spells.

Same thing happened with us too. Nat had to flee a battle and suffer defeat because her fizzles were unreal!
Nat had a lot of allies and got some friends.

This is a great house - it has a beach lined with mana wisps and they respawn quickly. Slide on the ice to get a ton of mana!

Now Nat has Deathblade and Death Trap - with the damage boosts, she does a lot of damage to a single enemy.

I hate Hao. But I need to listen to him yap yap yabber because this character is the only one I intend to get all the badges I can on it, even the mini-game badges. I hate this pet game. :(

Word of advice: Do the first course and memorize it, then time your movements.

Nat actually caught a holiday fish! Woo! Yep, it's Christmastime.

Wow, the Harvest Lord already? We're not even Level 8 yet!

More pet training - I was just burning the weaksauce snacks I kept getting as drops.

Surprisingly, Miss Milo the penguin manages to get a level up and actually learned a nice utility spell - Ice Armor is great for defense against tough enemies. Combined with the free Tower Shield you get, you're untouchable. (Don't get me wrong - once I start raising Couch Potatoes again, I'll get a better pet.)

I chose the Rank 2 equipment and finally got the level to use it! (Rank 2 gives a free pip and we need all the help we can get until we get the Sky Iron Hasta.)

I got my first defeat against Prince Swiftarrow - I stupidly discarded my wand strikes and couldn't get rid of the Magma Man who was hanging at 1 HP and pelting me with Firebirds. *facepalm* I learned my lesson next time and took the Magma Man out first and then buffed and won.

I love the jump animation! It's like Nat's working at Sea World! ^_^

Nearly lost my second battle because Akilles got in a power-pip attack. Luckily, we pulled through.

Hit Level 12, did the side-quests and then took on Iron Golem and got the lousy TCs from Regina. Go suck a ****. :(

Could have saved Kraken and Seraph for better things but Foulgaze was being a jerk.

Ironically, I didn't get a chance to attack Lord Nightshade - this Level 54 Diviner I teamed up with cleaned up. I bet he was hunting for holiday drops. ;p

Got the Sacrifice card and the Spiral Key to Krok.

So here is Natalie right now. I have to clean up a couple of areas - I don't intend to do Sunken City until I complete the Pyramid of Fire because the enemies are pretty tough - and then advance. Ciao!

Badges Earned:
  • [No Title]
  • Hero of Unicorn Way
  • Three Streets Savior
  • Golem Tower Champion
  • Wizard City Protector
  • Undead Stalker
  • Gone Fishin'
  • Fishy Business
  • Apprentice Angler (L3)
  • Novice Gardener (never plan on advancing this)
  • Novice Crafter (L1)

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