Since Natalie is based around a female detective teenager, I apologize for any weird titles relating to detective stories. I will update every time I reach a milestone like entering a new world or completing a section of a world which is a major story plot point.
I gave Natalie a Polarian Explorer's bundle and a Talented Piggle - she'll use the Piggle for bosses and the Polar Penguin for mobs - having a free Tower Shield card on the bat which stacks with regular Tower Shields is always a great thing, but the Piggle has Dragonblade which will stack with any Balanceblades the Sorcerer on my old account uses - Christina Dawnblade will support her once she reaches Krokotopia. I won't try to worry about pet training until I get to Grizzleheim and start getting Couch Potatoes to give to my Sorcerer on Natalie's account for planting.
So here are the highlights of my Necromancer, who is now 2/3 of the way to Level 14.
Nat's mount has a nasty habit of impaling people on its horn. XD |
I missed this game and starting over with a Level 1 Wizard fighting Lost Souls. ^_^ |
Why do people hate the sidequests? With funny ones like this, I'd do them all! I'm a Completionist! |
And you need the Smiths to get a training point. I plan on having Nat do PvP eventually so I can get 125 tickets to buy an outfit that would best SUIT her. (hint hint) |
Love the new zooms that KI put in. Makes the MMO more involving. |
And will be at risk for the entire game. Merle, you are Captain Obvious. :p |
Found this Marleybone explorer who got impaled - the hospital bills are insane. I would get rid of the mount but it gives a 2% damage boost! Yep, mounts are going to start giving boosts when you enter battle riding them. |
So I'll accept the lawsuits. Too bad there is no option to cut off the horn. |
This constantly happens with the first two bosses - they kept fizzling their spells. |
Same thing happened with us too. Nat had to flee a battle and suffer defeat because her fizzles were unreal! |
Nat had a lot of allies and got some friends. |
This is a great house - it has a beach lined with mana wisps and they respawn quickly. Slide on the ice to get a ton of mana! |
Now Nat has Deathblade and Death Trap - with the damage boosts, she does a lot of damage to a single enemy. |
I hate Hao. But I need to listen to him yap yap yabber because this character is the only one I intend to get all the badges I can on it, even the mini-game badges. I hate this pet game. :( |
Word of advice: Do the first course and memorize it, then time your movements. |
Nat actually caught a holiday fish! Woo! Yep, it's Christmastime. |
Wow, the Harvest Lord already? We're not even Level 8 yet! |
More pet training - I was just burning the weaksauce snacks I kept getting as drops. |
Surprisingly, Miss Milo the penguin manages to get a level up and actually learned a nice utility spell - Ice Armor is great for defense against tough enemies. Combined with the free Tower Shield you get, you're untouchable. (Don't get me wrong - once I start raising Couch Potatoes again, I'll get a better pet.) |
I chose the Rank 2 equipment and finally got the level to use it! (Rank 2 gives a free pip and we need all the help we can get until we get the Sky Iron Hasta.) |
I got my first defeat against Prince Swiftarrow - I stupidly discarded my wand strikes and couldn't get rid of the Magma Man who was hanging at 1 HP and pelting me with Firebirds. *facepalm* I learned my lesson next time and took the Magma Man out first and then buffed and won. |
I love the jump animation! It's like Nat's working at Sea World! ^_^ |
Nearly lost my second battle because Akilles got in a power-pip attack. Luckily, we pulled through. |
Hit Level 12, did the side-quests and then took on Iron Golem and got the lousy TCs from Regina. Go suck a ****. :( |
Could have saved Kraken and Seraph for better things but Foulgaze was being a jerk. |
Ironically, I didn't get a chance to attack Lord Nightshade - this Level 54 Diviner I teamed up with cleaned up. I bet he was hunting for holiday drops. ;p |
Got the Sacrifice card and the Spiral Key to Krok. |
So here is Natalie right now. I have to clean up a couple of areas - I don't intend to do Sunken City until I complete the Pyramid of Fire because the enemies are pretty tough - and then advance. Ciao!
Badges Earned:
- [No Title]
- Hero of Unicorn Way
- Three Streets Savior
- Golem Tower Champion
- Wizard City Protector
- Undead Stalker
- Gone Fishin'
- Fishy Business
- Apprentice Angler (L3)
- Novice Gardener (never plan on advancing this)
- Novice Crafter (L1)
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