Monday, December 21, 2015

Journal #8: Wow, Really?

Wow, really indeed. KI has done a double event before, but I guess they wanted to give new players (like Natalie) a chance to enjoy the situation. Unfortunately, she hasn't even enter Mooshu yet...

Frogs are supposed to EAT bugs, not puke on them! O_o

And she still had a backlog of requests from the Marleybonian people which HAS to be cleared, including killing spiders. *shudder*

Well, at least I've finished up a Platinum Trophy so I have some time - I'm waiting for GameFly to bring in their next game. Tried LEGO Marvel and got far but... oh sorry, you don't care about that. You're here for Wizard101 content. ():(

At this point, Nat decided it was time to retire the narwhal - it was a nice mount, but she was in deep debt due to all the stupid surgeries she had to fund to repair people who were impaled by that stupid horn. Luckily, a windfall had occured and Nat was begifted 2500 Crowns from KI due to the holiday event, my luckiest pull EVER. With that and 5000 from a game card, we got a replacement mount.

Yes, I'll miss the 2% boost to damage, but hey, I'm helping a great cause! ^_^ This is the first Charity Mount I bought and it was nice and cheap(only 4500 Crowns). It's cute too.

While Natalie went and cleared out Spellwrit Screamers and helped save Professor Falmea's history, Christina spent the time trying to catch up in Khrysalis... then I realized that if I wanted Nat to reach that point, she needs Christina's help to get through the rest of the worlds. Thanks to some guy whose name I forgot for helping me out in Sardonyx. :)


Of course, Nat wasn't spending any of her earned Crowns on elixirs so I had to wait a day to get the Initiate Crafting badge, but it was worth it - now I can craft seven mannequins for the house and robe them in all the memorial gear I had collected over the worlds. :)



Natalie finally swept Nzogi the Beguiler to oblivion at long last after I put the Tomb off for so long - and halfway through she hit Level 38, so now she is waiting to get to Mooshu and rip the War Oni a new one to get her nice nifty spell. ^_^


Also, Nzogi gave Nat this cute little Mander pet... which is totally useless as it's a Fire pet and its card is only gained on Epic. So Queen Bosco is now our gardener. ;)

Since Natalie was way past the required level, she got the alerts to get her Grizzleheim spell quest, which - surprisingly - she got by without henchs. She did get low on health but this Vampire brought Valguf Runethief down to a wand hit. Sadly, I didn't have any wands(the error of disabling half of my Super Blaze from my Sky Iron Hasta) so I had to take him out with a normal Vampire. Then the Winterwing Guard was a jerk, throwing up THREE TOWER SHIELDS. But we prevailed.

I found that I was a smidgen away from Nat's level up so I drained all the energy I could on pet training... (This is actually a decent set of talents! Pierce AND Critical Block!)


And fishing. I managed to fill out the rest of the Krokotopia fishipedia with a Strawberry Jellyfish and the elusive Krokotopian eel! :D (And the eel was a whopper so Nat got another badge.)

Nat: "Chris, can you take this b**** out, he's interrupting my reading time!"
Christina: "Can do!" ;)

And to end this part, Nat and Christina toured Mirkolm Keep which was lengthy but not hard thanks to Christina's presence. I know double-boxing with my Exalted wizard is a cop-out but Nat is getting close to Master status and that means Barkingham Palace is opening up. That and Nat will be restricted come New Years' Day 2016, so I cannot afford any luxuries to her - the faster she gets to Grandmaster status the better.

Ciao for now! ;)

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